Warm-Up for the month of June 2010
300m Row/Run 75%
200m Row/Run 100%
10 GHD Sit-Ups
10 GHD Raises
10 Reverse Hypers
10 Push Ups
10 OHSQ PVC (5 sec pause) or 5 each of Close Grip/Wide Grip
10 Pull Ups COB/C2B
10 Pistols
5 Snatch Balance 45lbs
50 Double Unders
Roll Out
A: OHSQ @ 42X1; 3,3,3,3,3; rest 3:00 min
(Compare to 6/5/10)
Met Con:
"Heavy Pulls"
500m Row
12, 9, 6
SDHP 135lbs
Pull Ups C2B
500m Row
500m Row
12, 9, 6
SDHP 135lbs
Pull Ups C2B
500m Row
A: 115, 135, 155, 175, 185x2
OHSQ - felt solid - will get 185 next time for 3!! Getting more comfy w/ that tempo
500m - 1:42.4
SDHP - all singles
C2B - broken
500m - 1:51.2
It was my intent to get at least 3 touch and go's each round to start...the workout proved me different.