Teams must start and finish with the 400m Run. After the 1st 400m they may start at any exercise. They must complete the repetitions of that movement before they move onto the next one. They can be done in any order. Only one person can do work at a time.
"The Joey O" For time: 100m Farmer's Walk 90lbs (2 - 45lb bars) 25 KB Swings 1.5 pd 25 BJ 24" 100m Farmer's Walk 25 Double Unders 25 Cal's - Row 100m Farmer's Walk 25 Pull Ups 25 Burpees 100m Farmer's Walk
10 OHSQ PVC (5 sec pause) or 5 each of Close Grip/Wide Grip
10 Pull Ups COB/C2B
10 Pistols
5 Snatch Balance 45lbs
50 Double Unders
Roll Out
Skill/Lift: A: Deadlift @ 12X1 60% of 1RM; 10 sets of 2; rest 30 sec B: Hang Power Cleans 1.1.1 x 5 (10 sec btwn reps); rest 3 min C1: Ring Push Ups AMRAP x 3 (-1); rest 1:30 min C2: T2B 15 x 3; rest 1:30